Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thanks for nothing

Just wanted to express my disappointment with all of you.
Wednesday was National Columnists Day (yes, really. It was actually on the calendar bought at the Hallmark store). Obviously, I'm the only one who remembered it.
I would have thought that some of my regular readers — (yes, I have them, but they only seem interested in e-mailing responses to my columns rather than posting on the blog) — would have sent flowers, cards, a Rolex, something.
I'm trying to move on, really.
I'd type some more but it's getting tough to see the screen through the tears welling up in my eyes.


Philip Wartena said...

Haha!!! You're the freaking best Troy! A belated "Happy Columnist Day" to you my friend. PW

Brad Barnes said...

I gave it a few days, in case I had some cards coming in the mail. But I got nothing either. Maybe next time at the bar I'll ask someone to buy me a round. You know: "Don't you owe me a beer. You know for when you missed National Columnists Day?"