Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's talk some basketball

If any of you want to play hooky from work for a few minutes, log on to Wednesday at noon and find the link to my web chat on the NCAA basketball tournament.

We will be doing a pair of web chats that day, with the second coming at 6 p.m.

Become a member of our Church of Bracketology and tell me who's in your Final Four, what upset possibilities you like, which players you'll be eager to watch over the next three weeks and how ''One Shining Moment'' gives you goosebumps.

My tentative Final Four looks like this: North Carolina, Kansas, Texas and Connecticut. I say tentative because I have yet to put a pen to paper and fill out my bracket. I'm still studying teams and weighing options, but will probably do a grand unveiling in Thursday morning's paper.

Anyway, please feel free to drop in Wednesday at noon and 6 p.m. I could use some company.

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